Region Jazz Choir Audition Information (2025)
Important Information for Students, Parents, and Directors
Application Forms & Audition Requirements
Region Jazz Choir Auditions for 2025 will be held through a recorded process via YouTube. See the links below to learn more about the requirements and the process for submission of applications and audition materials.
FOR STUDENTS: Student applications for all region jazz choirs will be accepted as soon as the application is posted below. You must submit the online application with the link to your audition video no later than MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2025, BY 11:59 PM. There is a $25 application fee for each application submitted. CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ARE NOW ACCEPTED FOR THESE FEES (All convenience fees have been removed). CLICK BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO BEGIN THE APPLICATION PROCESS. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO CREATE A PRIVATE YOUTUBE CHANNEL
FOR DIRECTORS: Once your student(s) have completed the online student application, you must complete the director application and mail in any check or purchase order BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 (11:59 PM). PLEASE CLICK BELOW TO COMPLETE THE DIRECTOR ONLINE APPLICATION FORM
Region I (North)
John Luckenbill
[email protected]
Ridgewood High School
627 E. Ridgewood Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Region II (Central)
Ken Zampella
[email protected]
Piscataway High School
100 Behmer Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Region III (South)
Nicholas DiSalvio
[email protected]
Cinnaminson High School
1197 Riverton Road
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Region Jazz Choir Auditions for 2025 will be held through a recorded process via YouTube. See the links below to learn more about the requirements and the process for submission of applications and audition materials.
FOR STUDENTS: Student applications for all region jazz choirs will be accepted as soon as the application is posted below. You must submit the online application with the link to your audition video no later than MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2025, BY 11:59 PM. There is a $25 application fee for each application submitted. CREDIT AND DEBIT CARDS ARE NOW ACCEPTED FOR THESE FEES (All convenience fees have been removed). CLICK BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO BEGIN THE APPLICATION PROCESS. CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW TO CREATE A PRIVATE YOUTUBE CHANNEL
FOR DIRECTORS: Once your student(s) have completed the online student application, you must complete the director application and mail in any check or purchase order BY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12 (11:59 PM). PLEASE CLICK BELOW TO COMPLETE THE DIRECTOR ONLINE APPLICATION FORM
Region I (North)
John Luckenbill
[email protected]
Ridgewood High School
627 E. Ridgewood Avenue
Ridgewood, NJ 07450
Region II (Central)
Ken Zampella
[email protected]
Piscataway High School
100 Behmer Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Region III (South)
Nicholas DiSalvio
[email protected]
Cinnaminson High School
1197 Riverton Road
Cinnaminson, NJ 08077
Students must attend all rehearsals in their entirety. Students should check these dates before applying:
By signing the online application, I attest to the following statements:
- Monday, March 24: Rehearsal 4-8pm
- Monday, March 31: Rehearsal 4-8pm
- Friday, April 4: Rehearsal 9am-3pm (excused school absence)
- Saturday, April 5: Rehearsal 9am-1pm
- Sunday, April 6: Concert 3pm
- A student must be a member of his/her New Jersey school music program and must participate in the corresponding ensemble. The student must also receive the endorsement of the director of the corresponding ensemble at his/her school. The student must remain an active member in good standing of the school music program and corresponding ensemble throughout his/her Region experience.
- If the school does not have a corresponding organization, the student may audition for the Region organization provided that he/she receives the endorsement of the school's music teacher who is a member of NAfME.
- The student must also secure the endorsements of his/her parent/guardian on the online application. All students must pay the required $25 application fee (all credit and debit card convenience fees have been removed).
- Sponsoring directors MUST be a member of NAfME. Membership in NJAJE is highly encouraged but not required. There is no need for sponsoring directors to attend auditions.
- Sponsoring directors MUST collect payments from auditioning students who do not pay by credit card at the time of their registration. If the school district is paying, the director must provide the PO and/or fees in a timely manner.
- The director will present the signature page to the school principal for endorsement of the student's eligibility to participate. Completed signature pages may be scanned in and uploaded to the Director Application linked below.
By signing the online application, I attest to the following statements:
- Student Certification: I certify that I will accept the decision of the judges and conductor as binding, and if selected, I will accept membership in this organization. I have read the "Student Eligibility" information, and have checked to be sure that NO CONFLICTS OF ANY NATURE occur with the rehearsal or concert dates. I understand that I must be on time for all rehearsals and concert and attend them in their entirety. I am aware that membership in this organization may be terminated if I fail to perform satisfactorily within my own school group, or if I am absent FOR ANY REASON.
- Parental / Guardian Endorsement and Consent: As parent/legal guardian of the applying student, I give my permission for him/her to be an applicant for this organization. I understand that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to assure that students arrive on time for all rehearsals and recordings.
- Music Director Endorsement: I endorse the applicant as an outstanding member of the corresponding school group of which I am director. I have completed the online registration, attached a copy of my current NAfME membership card, and collected all outstanding fees to be forwarded to the audition chair listed above. I have verified with my school principal that all students auditioning from my school are indeed eligible to participate in the ensemble(s). There is no need for sponsoring directors to attend auditions.
For each solo: Choose the key and octave that best suits your voice type. BE SURE to record your audition using the track that says "accompaniment only." Vibe tracks are for practice purposes only. SOLO 1 Solo 1 (PDF) - Key 1 Solo 1 - Key 1 accompaniment w/vibe melody Solo 1 - Key 1 accompaniment only Solo 1 (PDF) - Key 2 Solo 1 - Key 2 accompaniment w/vibe melody Solo 1 - Key 2 accompaniment only SOLO 2 (IMPROV) Solo 2 Solo 2 with vibe melody Solo 2 Accompaniment only |